Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Girl Can't Help It
Duncan and yours truly went to the Holly Berry Bazaar at St. Luke's Anglican Church over on Coxwell Avenue this morning. We had a lot of fun shopping and even sat down in their café for a drink and a muffin. Nice people were everywhere.
Hand painted in England
The sandwich that helped kill Elvis Presley.
A bevy of vintage book beauties
Detail from the book of cacti. In my dream home library, I'd have a little cubby for these tiny nature books.
Gorgeous birds
Friday, November 27, 2009
Something Good is Going to Happen
Picture taken from a post on Grain Edit featuring the photography of Tom Palumbo. Visit This blog profiles examples artists in the world of graphic design.
The last time I was truly happy about the state of my little universe was last Christmas holiday. I stumbled upon this world of arts and crafty bloggers and I had time to indulge in some of the projects featured. These blogs have brought me so much contentment. I love looking at hand-crafted items and pretty things. To this end, I'll start linking some of my favourite crafty blogs over to the right. Occasionally, I'll give a shout out to some to draw attention to blogs I think vintage/thrift bloggers would enjoy.
P.S. Life really is too short.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Our Sister In Thrift
I just read the most recent post from Kelly (aka Grunge Queen). She had her apartment and love life featured in yesterday's Toronto Star. It's a hilarious feature story. I'm going to run out and see if my local convenience store still has a copy. Here's the link for your enjoyment. Nice going Kelly. Work those boys and work the thrift! P.S. Is it just me, or does Kelly resemble a young Karen Kain?
Finding Family Memories Through Thrift
How often do you thrift for things that you had growing up? I've psychoanalyzed the situation and I think that in some ways, I'm trying to preserve the happiest moments of my childhood.
Close-up of my Australia plate.
such as telling poisonous mushrooms from the edible ones...
and whether shock can cause grey hair.
I think I paid $2.00 for it.
Lastly, here's my song of the week #21 - David Sylvian's "September." Sylvian started out in a glammy/new wavey band called Japan. They were good. His solo music is even better. He writes music that is often dark, introspective and experimental. Not to everyone's taste, but to mine anyway. This is a short clip.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
A Cautionary Tale
Yesterday afternoon I got the H1N1 shot. I hope what I'm about to say won't put anybody off getting the shot if you were thinking about it, but I must be honest. I'm one of those people who NEVER has a side effect after having a vaccination. I have no allergies and no health conditions whatsoever. I'm blessed and happy knowing this.
After lining up for the shot, a friendly nurse gave me the jab. My first reaction was that the needle hurt. Normally, it's no big deal. My son had the shot a couple of weeks ago. He whimpered a little, but was fine. I sat in the recovery area for about 15 minutes and then walked home. Within an hour, my upper left arm began aching like you wouldn't believe, and it just kept getting worse. I took Tylenol, but it did nothing. By the time my husband came home late from work, I was in a lot of pain. He gave me some T2s or T3s - the one with Codene in it. Yes, I know that I should know and I know it's not good to share medication, but I was a desperate woman. Finally, the pills took the edge off and I was able to go to sleep. Today, my arm is still tender and aches a little, but nothing like the pain of a dozen angry pigs raging through my veins that I felt yesterday. My husband said a man at his work had to take a week off work because the vaccine made him delirious. I'm glad I'm protected now, but that was a heck of a ride to get there.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Love Sandwich of Fabio Commercials
These commercials are for Crazy Suburban Mom and Shara at Monkey Box. CSM can believe that it's I Can't Believe It's Not Butter, while Shara had a touching moment with Fabio. The shampoo commercial is a hoot. In a moment of clarity, Fabio realized how cheese he was and decided to make money lampooning himself. I guess that's something to respect. Too bad this shampoo was never on the market. I wonder if the butter spray could double for hairspray?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
I just emailed Misty (winner of my Thriftacular Contest) telling her not to come to this blog until she gets her package of thrifted bits and bobs. Misty, in case you didn't get the memo - go away! Come back later. I just got Shara's comment (including a rather blue comment about a chance encounter with Fabio's wedding tackle - egads!). She mentioned that my Fabio cheesecake shot didn't take. I've removed the original picture of Fabio with a tiger on a chain and replaced it with this news item about the time that Fabio got hit by a goose while riding a rollercoaster. Funny and strange all at once. Thank goodness he was alright. Never mind the starving children and wars - Fabio required one stitch. Animals are so smart! Anyway, if Misty is still reading. Do not go any further. Let Fabio block you from viewing your gifts.
Alright. She's gone.
Here's what Misty is getting:
In this funky little box is...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Song of the Week #20 Gary Numan "Cars"
I took Duncan down to the Santa Claus Parade today. Later, we were walking down Queen St. and some store was blaring "Cars." It's pretty darn-diddly catchy, you gotta admit. I noticed a recent concert clip on YouTube of Gary Numan performing "Cars" with Nine Inch Nails. Gary Numan must be at least 82, but he still looks good. He looks 82% better than Trent Reznor anyway. Genetics. Go figure.
How Bazaar!
Yesterday morning I ducked into the Annual Bazaar, Food Fair and Rummage Sale at the Holy Trinity Eastern Orthodox Macedono-Bulgarian Eastern Orthodox Church (phew, that was a mouthful). It's a pretty little church in my east-end neighbourhood. It's so close to our house that I walked there.
I was charged $1.00 to enter the sale, which I thought was a bit cheeky of them. What if there was nothing I liked? Oh well, I guess it's all for a good cause. And it was only $1.00. I shelled out and went in. Turns out it was worthwhile. When I hit the basement, I was greeted by an army of seniors eating a hearty Bulgarian lunch. I contemplated buying a sausage, but decided to save my pennies for the rummage sale. Here's the first thing I saw.
The tablecloth is fairly large and features geometrical patterns in the centre.