I've blogged about my man George Clarke before, but I keep discovering new shows he's on. When does this handsome architect ever rest?
I first noticed him on my favourite show ever, Build a New Life in the Country. He followed it with Dream Homes Abroad, which I didn't like as much. It was mainly a lot of rich, English professionals with their bored teenagers looking for a weekend retreat.
Right now, George is back on Canadian TV with the Home Show. I'm sure if you live in the U.K., it's old by now, but we're on our fourth episode tonight. Here's the promo. The Beyonce song doesn't really work with the show.
While I was YouTubing, I stumbled upon another George show: Restoration Man. Why oh why can't we produce shows half as good as this in Canada? Tell me!!!
Forgive me. It's been two or more weeks since my last post. I haven't been able to get to garage sales, partly because of the rainy weather, and partly due to Saturday morning fatigue and other commitments. My son went to a birthday party today and before we came home, we hit my local Value Village in the hope that some little glimmer of something special would reveal itself.
Here's one of those little gems: a Georges Briard tray. I believe it was Valerie from Vonlipi's Favourites who educated me about this designer in the first place. Friday night is American Pickers night and after seeing it last night, I was prepared to crouch down and get dirty in my quest for vintage honey. I found the tray buried under a pile of forgettable trays. I like that it still had the original label on the back. I guess it also means it hasn't been left soaking in the sink. After Googling Briard, I stumbled across another cool vintage blog called No Accounting For Taste. If you like my little 'ol blog, you'll love this one. Read the post about Briard. I also found this dinky little Federal Glass dish for .99. Earlier in the day, I bought these zebra tomatoes. The picture doesn't do justice to the colour. I also bought fiddleheads. My son hated them and my husband told me that he thinks they're over-rated. I liked them. They taste earthy and healthy. I also bought black radishes that look like black beets. They were white on the inside and not as peppery as regular radishes. Here's the best news. Last Sunday we celebrated both my sister's and father's birthday, along with Mother's Day. My mother presented me with this pretty Pyrex divided dish. She bought it at a rummage sale in St. Catharines for next to nothing. On her way out, they made an announcement that all kitchenware was half price. I'll have to confirm what she actually paid for it, but it was less than a cup of Starbuck's coffee. A lot less. Thanks mom. My mom's also been asking about my blogging absenteeism. I'll try to get my groove back. Besides my day job teaching, I'm completing a reading course right now. As Joan Rivers would say, I'm working harder than Charlie Sheen's liver. Yuck yuck! I just have to find the lid now. I know it's out there.
Here's some primo early French electronica to go along with my Georges Briard tray. Enjoy!