Sunday, March 25, 2012


I'm still hunting for thriftacular vintage goodies, to no avail. The Value Village near my school usually has a few bits and pieces, but yesterday all I saw were three dishwasher worn red refrigerator dishes minus lids. They were priced at $1.49 each. It was enough to make a Pyrex lover cry. Spring is here and now that Duncan's a heartier bike rider, I hope to get out to some good sales this year.

Here's something funny I found on the Yahoo page.
I quote from Yahoo
"(Maria) Dmitrienko won the 75 target event at the 10th Arab Shooting Championship in Kuwait on Thursday. She stood on the podium with the event's other medal winners and expected to hear "My Kazakhstan." Instead, she was greeted with Sacha Baron Cohen's mock anthem from his 2006 film."

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Love for the Pyrex Collective

Check out the Etsy Vintage Team write up for the Pyrex Collective. I hope to be blogging about beautiful vintage treasures that I'm destined to stumble upon during March Break next week.

Bye for now,