Monday, September 24, 2012

Good, Clean Fun

 Last weekend we went to the apple festival at the Spadina House in Toronto. It's an old, Edwardian house (I believe) that's stuffed with furnishings and objects from the past. It only cost $5 to get in (free for kids). Here, you'll see volunteers pulp-ifying apples grown in the sprawling orchard. 
 "You turn my crank - literally." Some random gentleman squeezes the apples until the juices run down into the bucket. You'll see the end product below. 
 Duncan signed on for an old timey sack race. 
 Ah, life before video games!
 Here's what's left of the apples. 
 And here's the juice. 
Sadly, it all ended tragically when the house wolf mauled Duncan. Fortunately, he was back to his old self the next day. Or was he?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Back in Action

Our dear little Lily - the newest member of our family!

Thanks to everyone who posted a comment regarding the death of Spook. I've been very busy over the past few weeks getting my classroom set up and of course, teaching. I've got a wonderful class this year and soon, we should be into our routines and I'll have more time (and hopefully money) to do a bit of thrifting. The yard sales really dried up in my neighbourhood this summer. I'm hoping that the Value Village near my school will give me something special to blog about soon.

Lily is slowly making herself more comfortable in our home. She's now having snug time on the sofa at night. We tried to make a little bed for her, but instead, she prefers to hang out in a bucket. Go figure cats. 

I'll be back much sooner next time. 
All the best,