Saturday, June 8, 2013

Settling In & Rummage Sale

Hello again. It's been a very busy end to the school year, but I've still been getting out to rummage sales and antique stores. Here are a few gems from the past few weeks. More to come. 
 Heeeeeeeeer's MARTY! Marty is our new cat. We've had a year of cat heartache, which I don't even want to remember, but we discovered Marty on Kijiji Hamilton. His owner called him Pumpkin. She had found him on the street as a kitten, but she was moving to a place that wouldn't accept cats. He's just over a year old. Isn't he cute?
 Above Marty hangs a stained glass window that we found in a not-so-expensive antique store in Hamilton (Molly's Back Porch on Ottawa Street if you're interested). It fits the front window like a glove. 
 Duncan renamed Pumpkin "Marty" after Marty McFly in Back to the Future. He was a spitfire when we first got him, but he's settled down A LOT since we got him fixed. He'll be an indoor cat, but I'm glad he got the snip ship anyway. 
 One, two, three - ahhhhhh
 Here's a pretty piece of pottery I found at the local Anglican church rummage sale. It was $1.00
 Teak egg cups. Fifty cents or something super cheap like that. 
 I loved the '70s egg cozy. 
 I picked up two London Underground snack trays for $1.00. They're not current, so we'll call them vintage. 
Here's one of two kitchen food scales which my class has been using in our mass unit. School equipment for a lousy dollar.