Sunday, April 13, 2014


Between Friday evening and yesterday, I went to four church rummage sales between Burlington, Dundas, and Hamilton. The best one was in Dundas, but that may have been due to the fact that I got there pretty much when the doors opened. Those Dundasians are like a rabid pack of lions at a rummage sale I tell you!
P.S. Thanks for the nice comments. I'm really looking forward to blogging more and reading more blogs. 

 Big red Cinderella Pyrex bowl - $2!

Rustic hand made shoe shine kit with leather strap - $5!

 Conch shell - $1

Tupperware cake dome - $2

English cream and sugar pottery - less than a dollar!

Montreal Expo 67 drinking glasses. They cost less than a dollar. Sadly, I discovered that each one has a hairline crack, but they will still look good on display in our china cabinet.

 New Fiestaware mug - $1!

Totally eighties curling mug - $1. This was more than I would have paid but I also got the Fiestaware mug, a really cool Japanese cup and saucer (not pictured here), and the scale below all for $4, plus it's all meant to raise money to help the church, so I feel the opposite of ripped off.

 Bowling nut mug - less than a dollar.

 I got this glass for less than a dollar...
When I got home, I realized that I had thrifted two similar glasses back in Toronto. I'm not interested in golfing apart from mini golf, but I like the glasses. 

 I found this vintage cocktail shaker at the Value Village in Waterdown for 2.99!

 The Tom and Jerry made in England mug came from the Burlington church rummage sale and cost less than a dollar.

We needed a kitchen scale. Ken found this 'Made in West Germany' scale at one of the Hamilton rummage sales for $1. I love the colour. It reminds me of my seventies childhood. 

 This vintage CN Tower glass says, La Tour CN on the other side. It was found either at the Burlington or Waterdown Value Village for a dollar. On the back is the recipe for their Top of Toronto cocktail.

These vintage French onion soup bowls were $1.99 for the pair at Value Village.