Sunday, October 5, 2014

Some New Finds

Hello everyone. Since my last post, I've been back to a busy school year. I'm teaching dance and phys ed to kindergarteners this year along with some Primary students. It's a totally exhausting day! I'm determined to get back into thrifting mode both for myself and the booth. Marty is A-OK. Thanks for the kind words.
 Here is a crusty old brass blowtorch I got at auction this past summer for $7.50 + tax. I couldn't believe that nobody else wanted it.
 I tried out Bar Keepers Friend Spray and Foam Cleaner and although the blowtorch is still marked up with age, I was able to get some of the rust and grime off it.
 Yesterday, I went to one of those Mom-to-Mom sales in Dundas. Last year, there was a couple selling vintage goods and I got some cool pieces from them at a very good price. This year they were back and for $12, I got this charming Ohio Art Co. tin watering can and the corn cob pipe below.
 I've never actually seen a corn cob pipe before. I only know it from the song "Frosty the Snowman." That's it for now. Have a swell week.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Marty Update

Marty has snugs with Stella (pre operation)

Thank you for your kind words about Marty. He fully recovered from his sickness after he escaped. Unfortunately, a few days after his recovery he somehow found two Nerf bullets that my son had put in a container with a lid on it! He swallowed both, spat up one and the other one did not come out. My son felt guilty although he had done his best to put away all of his small toys.

He underwent emergency surgery to remove the bullet. It's been a very dicey week with his health. He's wearing a collar and is quiet tender still. The good news is that he's starting to get his energy back and he seems to be on the road to recovery.

I've still been thrifting, but I've been very worried about Marty all week, so I'll try to catch up with my thrifting adventures soon.

All the best,

Friday, August 1, 2014

Woodstock Mega Antique Mall

We had been wanting to go to the One of a Kind Antique Mall in Woodstock, Ont. for some time. It's the biggest antique mall in Canada - or at least Ontario. It did not disappoint. Woodstock is a really pretty town with plenty of old architecture. The antique mall was overwhelming in scope and the prices were very low. Get thee there!
 I've never seen many old waxed cartons before - certainly not in such good condition. I bought all of these containers for the colour, graphics, and condition.
 Tee Pee Yogurt was made in Toronto. I should ask my mother if she remembers this brand. It looks sixties and there is no French on the packaging - which all products in Canada have included as long as I can remember.
 Each piece was less than $5!
 Pure Canadian and Quebec honey.
 I love this tiny ice cream container. I remember similar containers with a pull tab on the top. You'd eat it with a little wooden spoon. I can't believe that someone saved this and that it was never wrecked. This cost about $3. I'll treasure it.

 I have a smaller Holiday Pipe Mixture tin and I've never seen any since I bought that one in Indiana years and years ago. Again, the artwork and condition could not be better. Talk about romanticizing smoking! I think this was $16.
 I loved the two-tone colour scheme of these Melamine s&p shakers. They cost $5 for the pair.
 Earlier in the day, we went to the big Bibles for Missions thrift store in Woodstock where I got these pretty snack bowls for $2. I really like the cursive writing.

 I also got this swell mid-century candle holder for $4. It looks Danish.
Please say a little prayer and keep a warm thought for our cat Marty. All of our cats are indoor felines, but he disappeared for a couple of days last week and has since been very sick. He was hospitalized today and the vet is concerned that he may have been poisoned while outside.
On a happy note, our new kitties seem to be doing well. DJ is always on the move, but wee Stella is always up for having her photo taken. Here she is in one of her many cute poses.

Thanks as always Linda for the lovely comments. You deserve an award for blogging and commenting. Much appreciated! I'm glad you've got a kitty to love.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Love Cats

We were never going to have more than two cats. So how did we end up with four? Find out at the bottom my good friends. 
 Above: Duncan holds two-month-old Stella. Possibly the cutest kitten known to humanity.
 Four-month-old DJ (the cat was actually named Duncan so he's DJ for Duncan Junior). I love the "Kindly set me down" look on DJ's face.
 We've set Stella and DJ up in the upstairs bathroom until all cats get to know each other.

 Above: Stella and DJ have snugs on some pillows. Ahhhh...
 Meanwhile outside the bathroom, Kiko gets increasingly stoned on the catnip ball spinner while Marty watches on in horror. "Steady on old chap."
 "Catnip. Where have you been all my life."
 Marty peeps under the door to try to catch a glimpse of our newest family members.
Alright, here's the story. On Tuesday, it was very hot in Ontario. My family had converged in Dundas for a picnic. We left a few windows open. Marty managed to pop through a screen and when we got back, Ken noticed Marty high-tailing it away. My family circled the block shaking cat treats and calling his name. No Marty. I blanketed the neighbourhood with missing cat signs and we kept the search party going. It was difficult sleeping that night, and the night after. On Thursday night I went out on the porch as I'd forgotten that I'd applied paint remover on a step stool. It was around 11 p.m. when I started scraping paint off under the light on our porch. I heard meowing and it was like something out of a made for TV movie. "Marty - is that you?" I could see the silhouette of a light coloured cat on our neighbour's front lawn. I slowly crept closer as I pulled off my rubber gloves. He kept rolling on his back to get his belly rubbed. I finally got close enough to rub his belly and as I did, I grabbed the scruff of his neck and brought him in, much to the amazement of Ken, Duncan, and Kiko who harassed him for the rest of the evening.

Earlier yesterday, we had gone to look at some kittens up for adoption and fell madly in love with Stella and DJ. Someone had found Stella the day before with her little head stuck in a fence. DJ was getting passed over because he's not a wee kitten anymore. He's a very fun cat and we've never had a black cat before.

So that's how two became four. I hope to have happy updates in the future. Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Duly Noted Mother

My mother pointed out that I mistook George VI for Edward VI! in a recent post for a 1937 coronation glass I recently bought. The correction has been made. I'm afraid I get the royals muddled all the time. It might help if they introduced some new names occasionally - Prince Chester.

Thanks mama. Now back to Downton Abbey.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Salt 'N Peppa's Here

Every now and then, you hit the jackpot with a garage sale that sells the kind of things you're looking for and the prices are cheap. That was the sale I went to yesterday. 
 For $1, I got these three salt and pepper shakers (sixties 'made in Japan'), the atomic age egg cups, the funky seventies flour sifter, and the 1937 King George VI Coronation glass. Woo-hoo! Start the car!!!!

 I bought this Kathie Winkle tea pot at the Aberfoyle Antique Market last week for $15. I just had to have it. I've never seen any of her tea pots before. Sometimes I wonder if she's still alive.

 Through Kijiji, I bought this vintage sixties Kodak Brownie Light Holder. The 8 mm movie camera would screw to the top of it and two flood lights would screw into the front to illuminate the subject of your movie. I'm now on the hunt for the movie camera that goes on top. It looks so cool when you see it put together.
 I miss Kodak!

For $20, I also bought this amazing Junior View-Master bakelite projector that is operated through light. I just think it looks so stunning. It's hard to believe that goods used to be made to serve a function, but also be so stylish. Unless you pay for designed items, it's hard to find that nowadays.

RIP James Garner

I just heard that James Garner has died. I have so many memories of being a kid in the seventies and having The Rockford Files on. My mother especially liked James Garner - wink wink. They don't make 'em like James Garner these days.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Kijij & Auction Treasures

 Barely a week goes by that I don't buy something from Kijiji (a Canadian online Classified company similar to Craig's List). Lately, I've been buying items for our booth, but when I saw this beautiful Niagara Falls motion lamp from the 1920s, I just had to have it for myself. It looks beautiful lit up at night, but it's so old that I don't want to leave it on too long in case it melts.

 I bought this nifty C-I-L oil colour tube display box at a country auction in Dundas yesterday. I paid $30 for it, which may seem like madness, but I love commercial art and I'm sure I'll use it. Check out the handy storage at the back.

I also bought a very cool vintage floor lamp at the auction, which I haven't taken a picture of, plus this Bakelite phone, which looks very old. It will be sold eventually, but I can enjoy it for now.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Oops - Happy Canada Day!

My last post was ranty and we're so much more than a nation of masochists. This is what we're all about...

Happy Birthday Mama. You don't look a day over 147!

Goodwill Vs. Value Village

I used to like shopping at Goodwill better than Value Village.  My folks have a Goodwill near them where in the past, I've found countless pieces of primo vintage goods for a fair price. The last time I went there (granted it was late on a Sunday), the only thing good was a cheerful fondu pot (just the pot). I was almost tempted to buy it when I noticed the $9 price sticker! I almost fainted.

They do have a silent auction there which my father has done very well at, but I'm a little sad that things have become so expensive.

Value Village is hit and miss. Sometimes they too seem to be overcharging for goods, but there is always a good chance that I will come home at least with a nice tea towel for $2.99.

I know, I know. By blogging about vintage things (and now selling), I'm contributing to the price push at these stores. However, I do feel that if you're running a thrift store that gets their stock mainly from donated goods (which I contribute to  - as do thousands of other people each day), we deserve to get a deal. It's like having a yard sale. I participated in Valley Antiques Garage Sale in May and I blew things out at rock bottom prices because it wasn't an antique booth - it was a yard sale. People don't come to yard sales wanting to pay more than $2 for most things. All that was left behind was donated. Yes, donated to Goodwill. I'm Canadian and for many of us that means straddling the line between charity and masochism.

Saturday, June 7, 2014

Today's Rummage

I had thriftacular fun at the St. James Anglican rummage sale in Dundas this morning. We had to get up at 7:30 (ugh!), but we came out with lot's of goodies. I didn't even take pictures of everything. It was a classic rummage sale, including a plant and bake sale. I've got perennials growing in our garden that I bought for a song last year. I love that they were dug out of someone's garden just for the sale. 
 I got this cool vintage light and another similarly cool one for a fiver.
 I've never seen kiwi bird egg cups before. I got them along with a bunch of other things for $3.
 English Pyrex Chelsea gravy boat for half a dollar.
 Twee Japanese egg cups as part of my $3 bundle.
 Pastel coasters, also part of the bundle.

Thanks for stopping by!