Here are two beautiful things I recently bought from Ikea...
On a heavier note, I just had to say that I'm depressed with living in Mayor Rob Ford's Toronto. It's not my Toronto. I was born here and I've lived here all my life. I'm a citizen, not a customer in need of service. I pay taxes, but I think of myself as a mother, wife, teacher, friend, sister and daughter - not a tax payer. I was raised to be polite and friendly to people - not giving strangers the finger or being rowdy and obnoxious at sports games - two things Ford has been caught doing. The Toronto I love values the democratic process and accepts defeat graciously: two things Ford seems to be incapable of doing. The federal government of Canada is equally shifty and big brother-like. I've started looking at property in New Zealand with a little dreamy voice that says, "Maybe one day." I'll always love Toronto, but it's not the Toronto that Ford is trying to create.
Rob Ford
Here's a song for those ready for a new mayor.