Monday, January 4, 2010

God Bless America

It's little wonder vintage loving folk enjoy this show. This one's for you Vonlipi. Let's go on a Thelma and Louise eating trip through America. Woo-hoo! (Hold the armed police officers.)


  1. Thank you! Thank you! I'll have one of each! I love the Chino Bandito, it's so quirky!

    By the way I'm packing a lot of strechy pants for our trip! LOL

  2. Man, I love that show and I've never seen that one. That show is my favorite show on the food network -actually the only one left I watch. The food networks has been on a speedy downward spiral since they put on Dweezil and Lisa... culminating in my opinion with this last years - what what would brian bointano make? Which is in its second season by the way...

  3. You women are a hoot. What the heck is Dweezil and Lisa? That has to be Dweezil Zappa.
    Yes, Vonlipi - stretchy pants. I think I still have one pair of maternity pants I didn't burn. LOL

  4. Yes, thats who it was.... The show was I don't know...something about traveling around for food and music. If it was up to me they should have replaced it with reruns of old julia child tv shows from the 60's. THAT I would watch.

  5. As long as they don't give Moon Unit a show...
