Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Last Day of First Week of Stuff Diet

I bought milk and bread today. Do you still have a pulse? Sorry for the utter banality of this remark. It is true.
I'm starting to realize that I generally don't buy a whole lot of useless new stuff. I think I'll do a recap post for next week, rather than bore my dear readers with news that I bought nothing - or a box of maxi pads. Don't get me wrong about the Stuff Diet. I still think it's a great idea. I'm just not a shopaholic - except for vintage goods, books, and music.
Here's one of the craziest bands of all time. You have to admire their shabby chic style, lack of vocal talent, wobbly dancing, and nonsensical song. Put it all together and it still has more going on than 90% of the tripe you hear lately.


  1. I realized during Christmas when I went to the Mall looking for the Hallmark shop, just how little new I buy! I do shop some stores, but only looking for clearance! If it's full price I just don't want to pay for it. Much rather go to a thrift shop and get much more for my money.

  2. Right on sister! I wish we could go shopping together - thrift shopping that is.

  3. They remind me of someone - I can't remember who. this is going to make me nuts.

  4. That's what I get paid the big bucks to do. Tee hee
