Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Thrifted Treasure Contest

What I imagine seeing if Thrifted Treasure, Vonlipi, or Solid Cherry were to open their kitchen cupboards. Drool, drool...

Thrifted Treasure is one year old. She is having a contest to celebrate the occasion. The prize is a gorgeous book called Flea Market Style. Please support this wonderful blog if you are not already doing so. Become a follower, leave a comment, etc. TT has style and grace. Enjoy it. Here's the link http://thriftedtreasure.blogspot.com It's linked to the right too.
P.S. Did I really post three times today? Time to pry myself away from the computer.


  1. Wow, thats great! How did I miss her?

  2. Thank you so much for this lovely post!!! I really LOVE your blog and am so jealous of your fab finds! Your name is in the draw 3 times :-)

  3. Congrats on your Stuff Diet - a lovely gesture and I wonder if I could ever do that? Please visit my blog in next day or so as I'm doing a giveaway too (Thrifted Treasure and I celebrated the same week - isn't this thrift blog world amazingly small?) and you may be interested!
