Friday, February 5, 2010

Atomic Age

I'm still moving along on this Stuff Diet without buying any new stuff. I may have to break with this to buy some books as presents for students in my class. Books never make me feel guilty.

I bummed a ride to Value Village with my student teacher on a lunch break this week. Below, find the ubiquitous, but still fabulous automic age glasses I found for .99 each. I've seen scratched up glasses like this before, which I've passed on. I'm sure in time, I'll be able to make up a set.

I'm still trying to thrift for the long-ago winners of my last contest. Shara, Tracy, and Chris - if you're reading this post, hang in there. Vintage thrift has all but dried up lately in Toronto. I'm sure if I bide my time, I'll hit the jackpot.


  1. OHMIGOD!!!! I collect these, im trying to get a set of 16 (2 sets of 8 + 2 carriers) Iv collected 10 glasses and 1 carrier thus far. Be Proud Erin! This year, (by my decree) is "The Year of Turquoise and the Boomerang"!

    Fret Not Fair vintage lady! For these glasses are a FANTASTIC sign of things to come!

    TRUST ME- :)


  2. Mick,
    If I could turn your enthusiasm into a drink, it would come in a pineapple decorated with little umbrellas. I'd drink it all up 'cause it's good to the last drop.

  3. Haha well thank you! Im not usually this excited about most things, but these glasses are just so atomic its crazy. Love em! Hurry Quick and email me your mailing adress for your post card!

  4. Love these glasses! They are so hard to find for a good price! Congrats~ Vintage has gotten harder to find at the thrift lately but maybe as spring approaches people will do spring cleaning and donate their goodies!

  5. Mick, Thanks a bunch for the promise of a cool postcard. I left my email on your blog, but here it is again:

    Cha cha cha!

  6. No, No, No *sigh* Erin, your actual Snail mail adress haha the post cards arent virtual!

  7. Mick, I'll post this info on your comments.

  8. Hi Erin, Not to worry abt getting the prize right away. Don't forget the 50% sale at V.V. on Mon and Sally-Ann is hsving a special sale on anything red/pink/white on Feb 12 and 13 for Valentine's Day.

  9. Hey Chris, thanks for the tip. I'll be hightailing it to VV on Monday.
    Pyrexily yours,

  10. OH I LOVE THESE! I have three of them myself, and actually just sold the shotglasses cause I didnt use them :) And don't worry bout nothing, silly :)
