Sunday, February 28, 2010

For the Canadian Olympians

Apart from baseball and the Tour de France, I normally don't go for athletics, nor do I go for people sweating it out for supremacy. Nevertheless, you have to admire the athleticism see during the Winter Olympics in Vancouver. There were some very special moments and I'm really proud to be Canadian right now. Great men's hockey game today. Of course Canada won. I'm not sure if I'd be saying how wonderful the game was if the U.S. had beaten us, but there you go.

Here's a band you probably haven't heard of if you don't live here. I'm not the world's biggest Blue Rodeo fan (my buddy Barb is). Still, there's something magical about this song and video. I love how they capture the cold, lonely feeling of a Canadian night without resorting to cliché. I know the land and I can almost taste it. I just remember all those snowy days spent driving past kilometers of trees on our way up to my childhood cottage. It's the iron in the soul.

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