Saturday, February 13, 2010

Hawaiian Shirt and Italian Scarf

There's something strange in the weather, when I find myself buying clothes at Value Village. Don't get me wrong - I think it's good to buy thrifted clothes, especially if you're Grunge Queen and have an eye for design. This year, I'd like to develop a new style. One of the reasons my clothes are so boring is that I loath shopping for clothes in malls, etc. It all seems dreadfully boring to me. The pleasure of shopping for clothes has to be finding something different, at a good price, and with minimum dressing room angst.

Anyway, I did buy a couple of nice pieces today. Maybe I'm turning over a new leaf.
Gorgeous silk scarf from Italy. I LOVE orange, pink, and purple together. So bold. Price: $2.99.
I heard this oversized belted shirt call my name. The thought of owning an article of clothing made in Hawaii never crossed my mind. The top cost $4.99 and will be worn with tapered black pants and Siouxsie Sioux-esque vintage pumps - if I can find such a thing. Maybe strappy sandals.

The brand is Hilo Hatties.

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