Thursday, February 18, 2010

One of my Best Finds - Fortune Telling Tea Cup

The sun is still missing in action here in Hogtown. I thought I'd create a happier post showing off one of my best yard sale finds of last year.
Nope - it wasn't this pair of snazzy electric scissors. I was tempted, but I knew it would only lead to severed fingers.

It was this amazing fortune telling tea cup and saucer. It was purchased last summer at a lazy Sunday afternoon driveway sale down the street from my folks in St.Catharines. I can't remember exactly what I paid for it. Maybe three clams.
It's not vintage, but it's beautiful and full of mystery. I'm not superstitious, nor am I remotely into the occult, but I like it as a curiosity.

Soon we'll all be on the prowl for amazing treasures like this. The days are getting a little longer with each passing week.

Alright. One of my resolutions for this year was to get into crazy adventures. This scene from Woody Allen's vastly overlooked comedy Manhattan Murder Mystery would just be the ticket. I totally identify with Diane Keaton's character in this movie. She's a bored wife who begins sleuthing when a neighbour's wife suddenly drops dead and Keaton suspects the husband of murdering her.

When we first got married, we lived in this sketchy and decaying old apartment building in North Toronto. My husband used to chide me for spying through the peep hole at the people across the hall from us. I'm sure they were dealing. In this scene, Keaton breaks into the neighbour's apartment to look for evidence, but there's a twist... Watch and then rent the movie.


  1. That's a pretty neat cup & saucer. I wonder how it works?

  2. That's funny. I once sold that teacup and saucer at a garage sale (probably not that particular one!). It came with a bunch of stuff my mother-in-law gave me to sell. Every once in a while I regret not keeping it!

  3. That cup and saucer are tres cool!

  4. That tea cup is fabulous! I'm loving it!

    I assume to use it you should be drinking real tea, with loose leaves. Where the leaves end up on the symbols corresponds to your 'fortune'.

    It's called tasseography. (
