Monday, February 8, 2010

Song of the Week #32 Chris Isaak "Blue Hotel"

I'm a fool for a twangy gee-tar. I love "Wicked Game," but it was played to death. If it had stayed a cult hit, I would have used it. I still hear that song wafting through the supermarket on a Saturday afternoon and it sort of kills the romance for me.


  1. Oh I love Chris Isaak! Saw him a year ago and he was one awesome guy!

  2. Iv got to say Erin, you caused a stir this morning at out Local Post office! When I told the Clerk I wanted to 'send this Letter to Canada' you would have thought I said "Im mailing a castiorn bathtub to europe".. haha but it was quickly remided by an airmail stamp and a "who could you possibly know in canada?" haha

  3. Oh Mick, thanks for making me feel so exotic and mysterious. I'm sure it will never happen again.
    Hey Linda, did you watch the Chris Isaak show? He's got a hotness about him, but it sort of puts me off when I see cool guys being mauled by gold-digging beach women. I think a cool man carries his coolness discreetly and seems unaffected by the fact that people probably think he's cool. I guess I'm talking about Mick...
