Friday, March 5, 2010

Clearly it's Pyrex

Finally, something good - if not a little dull. My urge to thrift got the better of me and I ran to Value Village on my lunch break yesterday. This is the same VV that wanted a fiver for my mushroom Pyrex bowl last month. I found this clear little Pyrex dish with lid for $3.99. It will get used A LOT. I like that I can bung it in the microwave oven and the lid will keep the contents nice and warm. Tomorrow I'm visiting my folks in St. Catharines. I just know I can tempt Dad into hitting the Goodwill close to their home. Wish me luck. If you're in St. Catharines reading this tonight - keep back. I'm coming through! Such a typical Torontonian huh?
Neither old nor funky, but oh-so practical.


  1. I think it's still from the 70's. Those are so usefull I got some for my Dad who collects clear Pyrex. Cool little casserole! :)

  2. I have a few of those in different sizes, they're GREAT! The itty bitty one's are the cutest :)

  3. Good luck on your weekend thrifting!

  4. Thanks for the comments and wishes. Vonlipi, I'll never measure up to you and your tower of cool Pyrex. I can only dream.

    Leah, I love your comment picture. So cute!

  5. The title of this post makes me chuckle! haha Might I add "Life looks great through a Pyrex Plate!" : )

  6. I love those little Pyrex bowls with the lids, so many uses for it.

  7. I have something similar...gets used a lot for leftovers. Don't forget to pop into the Goodwills etc in the other cities enroute to St Cath this w/e!
