Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Essentially the Same Person

True story: When I was in high school, there were two teachers who both had dark hair and a moustache: Mr. Clarke and Mr. Short. Mr. Short was tall and Mr. Clarke was short. Needless to say I kept accidentally referring to Mr. Clarke as Mr. Short when he taught me in Grade 12. I also remember the fact that he wore seventies clogs and it was the late-eighties. It was incredibly awkward. I'd always overcompensate by saying things like, "Oh sorry. You're both wearing green shirts today," hoping desperately that I was right, or that Mr. Clarke would forget to check.

Here are people I mix up. Some may be dead. Some may be alive. Other's may have a stalled career...

Will-i-am from the Black Eyed Peas & Wycleff Jean: So near and yet so far.
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Princess Margaret & Princess Anne: I always forget which woman is the Queen's sister and which one is her daughter. I was part of the Princess Di generation.

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Kate Moss & Sienna Miller: Skinny blonde English women. Is there some Jude Law connection too?
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Shaun White & Carrot Top: It's in the hair.
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Rick Astley & Josh Groban: Fresh scrubbed image and cheesy listening.

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Sam Kinison & Bobcat Goldthwait: Screaming, outrageous comics from the eighties. Both had a penchant for crazy hats. Which one is dead?
Sam Kinison.jpg


Well, I'm all out of witty postings for the day. If you can think of two people who are essentially the same, let me know and I can add some to the list.

1 comment:

  1. I confuse a lot of people... partly cause Im awful with faces and partly cause some of the faces are so much alike. Like the ones you showed :) They really are... lol
