Sunday, March 14, 2010

Song of the Week #37 "True" by Concrete Blonde

Welcome to my latest followers Retromodgirl and P. from The Way I Sew it. Do check out their blogs. I still feel like a mere amateur in this thrift blogging world, so it's a real boost to know that people are popping by for a visit. I've almost made it through the thrifting Gulag, otherwise know as late fall to early spring in Canada. Heck, there may even be some yard sales in Hogtown next month if the weather warms up.

Here is a song that makes me soooooo nostalgic for the better times of my teenage years. I loved Concrete Blonde. Johnette was über cool and she wrote great songs and had an amazing voice. I saw them play in Toronto many times - often sneaking into clubs using my big sister Rhonda's Age of Majority card, since we bore a ballpark resemblance to each other. Ahh good times. At a time when cheesy hair metal bands were being pumped out of L.A., Concrete Blonde rocked the retro sixties look, with a little Goth thrown in. Fringy jackets and black nail polish. I still love that look. I wear a skull scarf in the classroom and I keep thinking I'm going to get busted by some school board bigwig one day. Oh well, I gotta be me.

This song is so sweet.

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