Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A Surprise From Vonlipi: Vintage Souvenir Plate From New Mexico

Look what came in the post today: A gorgeous souvenir plate from New Mexico.
Vonlipi saw my recent post about collecting these plates. I had just bought this Sonoma plant this morning and when I opened the package from Quebec, I realized that they made the perfect combination.
My husband and I have dreamed of going to New Mexico for years. It's the Land of Enchantment.
Made in Japan - natch.

I love Robert Plant's music post-Squeeze-My-Lemon days. This song makes me think of New Mexico, even though 29 Palms is in California. Close enough.
Hugs to my homegirl Vonlipi. I will treasure this. Thank you so much.


  1. I'm glad you like it! I felt like spreading vintage joy over to you. Hugs to you ;)


  2. Great plate! I have a few of these too and love the colors and graphics. How nice!

  3. Ok, Erin - I'm hooked. You would love the vintage tin tea-set plates I got at St. Lawrence Mkt a couple of weeks ago. I hung them on the wall in the girls room. V. cute.

    BTW, we seem to have a friend in common. Email me and I'll give you the details. kgirlto@gmail.com


  4. Thats adorable Erin!! I live in the US and I've never been there either :)

