Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Milk Glass Carnation Vase & Picnic Plastics

I popped into Value Village at Vic Park and Eglinton on Sunday "looking for a fish bowl." I was really looking, but you can't go in without having a little poke around. Alas no fish bowl, but I did find...
Plastic mugs and plates for a picnic. Do colours get more seventies than this?
I got the whole she-bang for ninety-nine cents. I'm not big on plastics, but for the amount of time we'll actually use them, I don't think it will hurt. Besides, as Value Village like to keep pointing out on their annoying announcements, "You're helping the environment by keeping goods out of the landfill."
Here's a milk glass vase I got for $2.99. I thought it was simple and elegant.
This actually had a vendor's sticker on it from an antique store. I guess somebody changed their mind.


  1. I love those plastic mugs! They are so cool and so 70's, I remember using them camping! Well I am so excited to see that vase! When I was in Montreal a couple of years ago I went to a thrift and found that same vase! It brings me wonderful memories each time I look at it of my wonderful trip to Canada!!

  2. oooh, Love that vase! Those mugs remind me of the plastic mugs they use to serve coffee to hospital patients ;)

  3. I love hearing these stories. To those in the U.S. (Crazy Suburban Mom), who envy their neighbours in the north due to alleged Pyrex-hoarding, just remember that you industrious American folk at least see fit to run garage sales on Fridays as well as Saturdays. I never ever see that in Toronto, unless it's one of those permanent, sad junk installments.
    P.S. Have you visited In Color Order? Now that girl's got some fine pieces of Pyrex!

  4. That's such a pretty bud vase! Just in time to pop in a couple of tulips. Around here, they even have garage sales that start on Thursday. Not much left by Saturday, in those cases.

  5. Hey Erin - My lovely gifties arrived yesterday. Thank you so much for everything. I love the tea towel - 1965, right in between me and the hubs, 1964 and 1965. Thanks for pikcing out such fun things for me. My son was particularly excited to find mail from Ku-Nay-dee-uh, as he likes to call it. Thanks again! Happy thrifting!
