Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bad News Dame Thrifts at St. Peter's

We went far afield today: Brimley and Lawrence, which is Scarborough and quite north/east of where we live. Sorry for non-Torontonians for whom this tidbit means nothing. We went to the St. Peter's Anglican Rummage Sale. It was a typical church rummage sale: odds and ends at great prices. A woman saw me looking at this pretty canister set. She told me it was $2.00. I paused wondering if it would be super bulky to carry home.

During my pause she said she'd take $1.00 or .50 for it. I told her I'd take it for $2.00. Here it is with one of those wooden pulley things where the arms and legs go up. Duncan wanted it. I like the leafy seventies-ness of it. I bought the pulley woman along with a new bag of hamster fluff and a bag of gerbil seed (how did she know I needed this stuff?), and some super-old cards, which I'll get to later. I got it all for $5.00.
I don't think these canisters are vintage. Still, I love greens and blues together.

At the church sale I cleaned them out of Perry Mason books. They were a quarter apiece. I was thinking of stripping the covers and framing them, but I began reading one and the writing was so great. Hard boiled fiction - I like it like that.

The church lady threw in The Fauves for free. Thanks!
Here are the vintage flash cards and baseball card game. The flash cards were from 1960, the baseball game was from 1957.
We stumbled upon a huge driveway sale. I didn't realize how nice this part of Scarborough: huge lots with large bungalows, the smell of flowering trees and fresh-cut grass. Yeah, it's suburbia in a Tim Burton sense, but I'd actually rather live in one of those houses than a condo downtown. Above: the fish bowl I've been trying to get my hands on. The lady of the house said it was part of a centrepiece at a wedding. Her daughter won it, but never put a fish in in. I also got a toy castle for Duncan (not pictured), Christmas crafty things, Muck from Bob the Builder, more flash cards and a plant hanger, which I'll dye a bright colour. The whole lot cost $7.00.

That's all for now.


  1. You found some awesome vintage cards. Love those and they seem harder to find now.

  2. Vintage or not, I'm loving those canisters :)

  3. In my humble opinion...the canisters are vintage and FABULOUS!

    You are one fierce thrifter! ;)

  4. I want to read your books, vintage chick lit!

  5. Those canisters are so gorgeous! I've very jealous, great finds all round!

  6. You sure those cannisters aren't vintage? They're sure cute. Gotta love that cover art on the Perry Masons!

  7. I do agree the canisters are vintage and also very functional. Love the idea abt framing the Perry Mason book covers..never thought of that. My kids have done framing of some of their Dad's 'old' LP covers.

  8. Yes those canisters are vintage and they look GREAT! Nice score.

  9. ohh, my niece is 7 yrs old, and taking an interest in archeology. How I would have loved to have come across that book!!
