Monday, May 17, 2010

Shoe Lasts & Future Funky School Table

Before I go any further, I'd just like to say that Spook's doing much better. Here he is on the right having snuggles with Kiko last Saturday. They're so purrrrrfect when they're like this.
Now - on with thrift!
Today, Value Village had a 50% off sale. None of the things I bought were included in the sale. I did get a few swell things like this little side table. Can you believe it was only $3.99?
I'm going to paint it canary yellow and put it in my classroom next year. I'm determined to remove as much drab, grey stereotypical school furniture from my life and make the class more homey.
The table was a bit scuffed, but for $3.99, who's going to haggle? Ken says it will need a little sanding before I can paint.
Are these cool, or what? I think I've started a new collection. These metallic shoe lasts cost $3.99. They seem very Fritz Lang Metropolis.
I also bought another bag of shoe lasts thinking I was getting two pairs. Turns out that none of them match, but what the hey for $3.99.

That's all.
P.S. Thanks for the lovely comments everyone, especially the sinus advice. I bought a spray nasal flush at Shoppers tonight. My nose hasn't been so happy in a long while.


  1. U got really lucky at the sale. Was disappointed that housewares weren't included in the 50% off sale. Saw a few Pyrex bowls.

  2. I like your finds and think that little table in yellow will be cute! I hate it when they don't include housewares in the 1/2 price sale...grr! Oh well. Shoe trees, interesting collection! I like it! So glad Spook is doing better. That is a sweet kitty photo! Don't forget to enter for my latest giveaway!
