Friday, July 30, 2010

Attention East Toronto Yard Salers

This message was posted in my comments box from Sam.
Sam, I'll do my best to swing by. It could be a hike for my little guy on his bike, but I'll look at a map tonight. Thanks - Erin

Just wanted to let you know there is going to be a Street Sale (a whole bunch of garage sales at the same time) at Norlong Blvd tomorrow saturday jul 31. All the residents on the street have been mailed and invited to have their garage sales on at the same time jul 31. Its the first annual norlong street sale and will run all day long.

Norlong is at woodbine and o'connor drive. Im going because there will be a large number of comic books and books sold by one of my friends garage sales there but everything under the sun will be available from all the garage sales going on at norlong (furniture, books, household items etc etc). thought you might be interested. The ads are online all over the place if you type in norlong street sale jul 31
here is a link to one of them:

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