Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Pyrex Update

Two of my fabulous neighbours. I love the way grandma balances a bag on her head. She walks down the street like this. Amazing!

Hello there and welcome to my two latest followers. I haven't even had a chance to see who you are, but I'm very excited as I always am. Thank you!

I've set up the communal Pyrex blog. I actually used it today for a presentation at school. One student in my class came up and asked why it said pyrexpleasure in tiny letters at the top of the screen, even though the blog was called "Retelling & Summarizing." I had to explain that the blog was going to turn into a blog for vintage Pyrex collectors. I got the bemused smile.

Duncan pretending to be a puzzled Shel Silverstein. This was used on the reading blog, which will soon be glowing with Pyrex treasures.

I'll delete everything from the blog and send the info to Jeni from In Color Order and when she has a moment, she can work her design magic. Once the blog is ready for the hot typing fingers of you lovely Pyrex fans out there, I'll send comments to your blogs with my email in order to give you the password and sign on info. If you do not have a blog already, please leave a comment on Yard Sale Snoop with the best way for me to contact you.

Thanks. Tomorrow's the last day of this crazy busy reading course and I'll be back in the summer saddle. Yee haw!

1 comment:

  1. Wow you have done a lot and you are so busy! This new blog will be fun!
