Thursday, July 1, 2010

Song of the Week - Wait for it

Alright, I'm not the world's biggest Cher fan and yet, she's been great in a lot of good movies: Mermaids, Moonstruck, Silkwood, Mask... I feel like I'm forgetting some.

Anyway, it's Canada Day. We're about to head out to watch fireworks and this video seems fitting, even though it's so American. I remember when I first saw this video, I was shocked by Cher's outfit. I'd never seen someone wearing fishnet stockings, hockey tape and a leather jacket all at once. You gotta admire her sense of style, even if it's over-the-top tacky. Go girl!
Hey, do you think those big guns rising up in the sky were meant to symbolically represent the sailor's patriotism or maybe something else???? Just asking.

Enjoy every campy moment.


  1. And enjoy it I sure brought back memories of the first time I saw this classic Cher video! Erin, have a super summer with your family and look forward to seeing you in September.

  2. Hi Kumru,
    I didn't know you knew about this blog. You must think I'm a crazy teacher. Thanks for the message. You take care of yourself too. Tell Tomas and Sebastian to have tons of fun this summer. I hope Tomas wins the Scholastic book reading challenge.
    See you in a couple of months. I'm going in today to keep cleaning out Mr. K's room. Sigh!
