Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Two Down a Few to Go

I have the big casserole dish and the juice carafe. If I'm lucky, I'll stumble upon the rest.
P.S. I'm not having much luck finding out about JAJ. Thanks for the comments about my last post. Vonlipi, let me know if you find out anything else.


  1. Love that ad!

    Here's what I found in the Pyrex Love web site.


  2. I do think this is one of the best patterns!! Good luck with finding more!

  3. My mother had that mixing bowl set when I was a kid, a few months I came across the set in an op-shop and bought it for a friend for $15. I am not a 70s collector or Pyrex enthusiast, but couldn't pass up the bowls - they were in mint condition. I also saw them for sale recently in another secondhand store for around $65, and $150 in another - they are out there!
