Monday, August 9, 2010

All That Was Missing Was The Tumbleweed

Maybe it's because I've been left drooling over everyone else's Pyrex on The Pyrex Collective, but I was determined to go thrifting today and find something practical or pretty for the house. After making the journey to the outer limits of Scarborough on public transit, I found the Value Village on Lawrence East. There was almost nothing good there. It took me so darn tootin' long to get out there, that I knew I couldn't come back empty-handed.
I do like this glazed piece of pottery. I love the colour and it was only $1.99.
Hey look - it was Made in Canada. I don't think they make anything here anymore. Does anyone know what the symbol on the bottom represents?
I pot one of my 4" sickly Golden Pothos plants in it to give it a test ride. The thrifted pottery needs a bigger plant - 6" oughta do it.

Post Script: They had the MUZAK dial turned to eighties tunes at VV. When I came in, they were playing "Every Time You Go Away" by Paul Young. Strangely, the vinyl is at the front of he store and the Paul Young album which that song was on was facing out. A strange coincidence. They also played Psychedelic Furs' "Pretty in Pink."

I like this song better.
I love Richard Butler. Richard, if you're reading this, you're great. If my dear husband should be walking below a very tall building and a piano falls on top of him and tragically cuts his life short, I'll get in touch with your record company. Just kidding. Or am I?


  1. I really like this dish. Great color and made in Canada!!

  2. I don't think it was really made in Canada. It can't be because they didn't put a maple leaf on it. Canucks never miss a chance to slap a maple leaf on something! :)

  3. Bounty Huntress, you are so right. I have to post some weirdly Canadian things for you to gawk at. #1 - bag milk. I'll explain.

  4. I love the color and shine of it.
    And it's Canadian! Youppi!

  5. Looks like it's Laurentian Art Pottery:

  6. strange, i thought you had written an update (came up in my reader) but can't see it here now. but anyway, it looks like you've solved the mystery, with a little help :) c'est fantastique! ;) had to laugh at your made in canada comment. seems very little is made here these days, other than comedians and awesome music. i'll have to mentally add that symbol to my repertoire when i'm checking under pieces at the store now...

  7. Hey there,
    I accidentally clicked on the Pyrex Collective for this post and then when I realized I had put a YSS item on the PC, I had to delete. For some reason, the title is still stuck. As soon as someone posts something new, it will disappear.
    Thanks so much Lynn,
    you were right!
