Sunday, August 15, 2010

More Disturbing "Manly" Photos in The T.O. Star

The Toronto Star really enjoys getting in those gritty, manly man pictures. I present you exhibit A. You'll remember this from a few weeks back. I dedicate the man hammock picture to Shara, who was equally amused and mortified by the lack of "Brazilians" in the French Alps.
And then, on the front page of today's paper: the Sunday Star nonetheless!

Two dudes socking it out.
This looks like a sport that values pain inflicted on the netherlands of men's bodies. I'd rather be sitting in a café in the Netherlands. Thanks, TorStar. I almost spat out my morning coffee.

Now here's something that will make you smile: the guy from the eighties group Men at Work doing a cameo on Scrubs. Very funny. Love the last scene.


  1. That photo of the guys fighting is a hoot! Whoops!

  2. Gee....thanks? That first one still haunts me. The second one? Ooowie. (You always make me do a spit take!)

  3. Wow potent pictures. The Scrubs bit was wonderful makes me laugh, laugh, laugh!!! CM aka Lefty
