Sunday, August 1, 2010

Pyrex Blog Coming Very Soon

Jeni from In Color Order is designing our communal Pyrex blog over the next few days. I'm really excited. If you've never visited In Color Order, you must Jeni makes incredible quilts and yummy food. She also has the world's cutest bunny rabbit, and yes, she loves Pyrex. You'll find it in my thrift links.
Go to fullsize image
Jeni will email me to tell me when our blog is up and running. It looks like our blog will be called The Pyrex Collective. Thanks again Bounty Huntress for the suggestion.

Over the next couple of days, I'll leave my email address in the comments boxes of those who have expressed interest.

* If you do not have a blog of your own, but you love Pyrex and you want to contribute to The Pyrex Collective, please leave your email address as a comment on this post and I'll email you back with the details.

That's all for now. It looks like a beautiful day in Toronto. I'm going to take Duncan out and do something fun.

By George!
By the way: Jeni's bunny's name is George. Six weeks ago, Madge from Solid Cherry gave birth to a beautiful boy she also named George. Go visit Solid Cherry to see her little bundle of joy and say "hello." if you haven't. Madge collects Pyrex too - natch.


  1. Not pyrex related - but are you teh ERIIN in TORONTO on PassiveAgressiveNotes today????? Too funny!

  2. Erin I am so excited about our new blog and I love that name. The Pyrex Collective! Have a great day!!

  3. Hi ladies,
    Linda, I'm glad you like the name. Props to Bounty Huntress.
    Shara, I'm not on Passive Aggressive Notes - but if it's funny, I'll take credit. I know enough passive aggressive people who drive me crazy and make me feel bad for no apparent reason. LOL

  4. I can't wait! I'd love to do some trades on there if anyone wants too. Love the name! :)
