Monday, August 2, 2010

Seventies Ontario/Canada Nostalgia

Bounty Huntress used some Ontario imagery from an old map in her cool thrifted cabinet. I thought I'd pay her back by sharing the Ontar-i-ar-i-ar-i-o song from my childhood. Don't you love the way they use so many scenes of old men smoking to make us feel good about the province?

Below (for Vonlipi). I'm sure you had a much sexier version in Quebec with a sultry-voiced French guy saying something about Radio Canada.

I don't remember the CBC butterfly, but it's classy and beautiful. I like the importance in the announcer's voice as he tells us it will be a colour presentation.


  1. oh wow. now that is some serious vintage! love it. flashbacks and all :)

  2. A place to smoke and to spit a lung Onta-ri-o,rio,rio! That cracked me up!

    I don't remember what the guy said, I was busy being hypnotized by the colorful animation!

    Thank you for thinking of me!

    Have a great night,

    Miss V
