Sunday, August 22, 2010

"Tray" Bien

Here are a few of the nifty things I picked up at Value Village today.
I've already got a couple of these groovy state cocktail trays, like the Florida tray on the left. It cost $1.99. I've never seen the bowl version. I love the quaintness of the Maine chip bowl. It makes me want to travel back in time and be in some log cabin in Maine, listening to jazz. The bowl cost $2.49. A bargain.

My husband liked the kitsch appeal, but I actually think they're really beautiful.
Look at all the detail included. I like the wood chopping man.

All that elegance makes me need a little vintage Japan before we move on.

Another crazy hodgepodge of cards for not much money.

I actually bought it to get these two packs of retro party invitations. My son's having a belated birthday party in September and I had to buy invites anyway. So what if they're kind of girly and seventies. They're Hallmark, so you know they're primo quality, even if the pack did originally cost only 50¢.
Also included were these stylish postcards of the Moscow Metro.

I thought these were plastic Easter eggs, until I got a closer look and realized that they were real eggs with hand crafted designs on them. We'll cut down some branches next Easter and make an Easter tree.
This one is my favourite.

Miraculously enough, only one egg was broken. I may repurpose the flowers. Now I wonder who made these eggs and how they ended up at Value Village with a $1.99 price slapped on it. I can't help get a little depressed feeling like some amazing crafter made them and when she/he died, none of the grandkids wanted them, so they chucked them in the trunk and dumped them at the thrift store. Maybe I'm reading into it too much. I'm always thinking about the people behind the treasures. I have a very rich internal life. Ha!

What did you find this weekend?


  1. Erin I would have loved those eggs also. I am also like you and wonder how such treasures end up in a thrift shop. I found a wonderful crocheted blanket one day with a award from a county fair it was entered in! I had to buy it and I love it!!
    My only thrifting was Friday and I found some books!

  2. I remember making eggs like that when I was little in the 60's. I think kids get rid of their parents stuff because it just looks dated and has to survive 20 more years to be valued as vintage then later an antique. One of the reasons I am blogging about my dollhouses is to give my children a catalog of sorts. Love your treasures C

  3. I completely agree with you - when I see old collections, I appreciate that someone had such love and care for those items. However, the thought that someone tossed them is a bit heart breaking.

  4. I saw a tray like that at Goodwill Saturday. It was Minnesota. I picked it up to admire, and my husband rolled his eyes at me (so I put it back). I think they're beautiful and kitschy too!
