Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Where was my Head?

I can't believe that I somehow missed the following blogs in the last few months: Leah - Storybook Ranch http://storybookranch.blogspot.com and Ana - I made it So http://imadeitso.com/. If I were following a blog and was not acknowledged, I'd feel a bit like Krystle in Dynasty when she gets dragged by her horse (see below). Thanks for realizing that I'm no Alexis Colby Carrinton Dexter Colby or whatever Joan Collins' character's name was.
P.S. I believe in Crystal Light, 'cause I believe in me.


  1. You are always so sweet acknowledge everyone!

    I just read a new blog and the girl (20 yrs old) loves Pyrex her blog is called MY MINK BETTY http://myminkbetty.blogspot.com/
    Check her out if you have time.


  2. aw, thanks for the shout out erin :)

    i never expect anyone who i follow to follow me back. i hope that anyone who reads my little corner of the web does so because they want to without obligation :P BUT, when a blogger i enjoy does visit and say hey, well that's just such a sweet little bonus. so thanks for doing just that and taking the time to say hi here, so hilariously i might add! oh that joan... such drama! i wish i had a full orchestra follow me around when i'm giving someone the evil eye...

  3. Linda, thanks for the heads up about Betty. I love her blog and I've left a message. You are so on the ball with this stuff.
    Ana, if life is but a stage, I guess I'm a court jester for the thrifty play that never ends.
