Sunday, August 29, 2010

Your Daily Cup of Eww - Gross!

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My good friend now knows what this fine actor looks like in his birthday suit. Eesh!

Contrary to what some members of my family might think, I don't actually blog about everything. I try to keep some boundaries, hopefully. Anyway, with that said, I thought I'd share a little story that's not connected to myself nor anyone in my family.

I was at a good friend's 50th birthday party on Friday night. She lives in a little semi-detached house the way we do. When we were sitting in her backyard, we couldn't help but notice this humongous Jacuzzi on the back deck of her next-door-neighbour's house. I'm talking about the house attached to her house. Not only was the Jacuzzi super-sized for the property, but the bamboo screen attached to it was covered in mold. Oh yeah, and it made a loud humming noise every so often.

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If that weren't bad enough, my friend said that the owner was very rude to her when he had it installed this summer and told her that he'd have to have her "ugly" back gate removed. She promptly told him that she paid someone to build the gate for her. His response was that she could have bought something better at Rona for $40.00 and that they'd temporarily remove the fence between the property instead.

The worst part of it is that the empty nesters now treat the Jacuzzi as an extra bathroom, parading around in the buff (the man looks like John Goodman if you'd like an image), cutting toenails, etc. Ewwww! And I thought leaf blowers were bad enough.

They also left an annoying bug zapper running in their backyard all night, even though they weren't outside. Honest to goodness, it sounded like the electric chair frying someone every minute or so and it cast an eerie blue light over my friend's garden. Eventually one of her friends hopped the fence and turned it off. Go girl!

Anyway, these are the perils of living within close proximity of your neighbour in a big city. I'm just glad we've got super duper people living on either side of us.

"People of Springfield. There shall be no more nail cutting by your backyard Jacuzzi."


  1. Ewww! Some things are just best done 'inside' don't ya think!!

  2. Ok so your friend needs to go to the neighbors yard in th emiddle of the night and throw the bug zapper in the jacuzzi....I would so do that!

  3. Ha! That is such a great idea. Why didn't we think of that. Maybe if they start waxing their private parts, zapping is in order.
    Love it.
    What is this world coming to?
