Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Thrifty Lunch a No Go - Sad Face

Due to unforeseen whatever at work today, I wasn't able to make it to Value Village. As my buddy Ana once suggested, the best thing is to imagine a store filled with ugly vases and boring kitchen stuff from the nineties. Ahh, that's better. I saved myself a bit of time.

Here's Bjork's awesome "Human Nature" video. I wish I were crafty enough to make a stuffed animal hedgehog, or whatever that critter is that nearly gets hit by the truck at the beginning.


  1. Hi Erin, Unrelated comment but I wanted to congratulate you on the article in the Toronto Star!! Such a fun and informative read. Very nice!!

  2. I like what Ana says...that will help me in the future!

  3. Thanks ladies. Chris, are you the Yard Sale Queen Chris? I remember reading an article about you. I will link. Thanks so much.
