Sunday, September 19, 2010

Tiny German Cake Apron

Duncan's birthday is at the tail end of August, so now that the school year has begun, he was finally able to have his party. We went to Danforth Bowl. It's a frozen-in-the-sixties 5-pin bowling alley at Coxwell and Danforth. If you live in the area and you love vintage things, it's a fun place to go.
Our not-so wee man blowing out the candles on his cake.
When we got home, we walked down to our local Value Village. I was hoping that I might luck out and find a sweet little Pyrex bowl, but the cupboards were bare. I did find this cute little German children's apron for $1.99. It's got four different cake recipes on it. Too bad I don't speak German.
I was going to bring it into my classroom for art activities, but I think it would get ruined. I'll let Duncan wear it for baking at home.
I also grabbed this Ikea picture easel for .99. I use these for book displays in the classroom.

I hope to thrift today. Let's hope something good comes along. I'm getting twitchy.

P.S. I just noticed that Madge, from Solid Cherry now has included Followers. She's got one of the best thrift blogs ever and it's been in action since 2006 - way longer than most of us. I strongly suggest you become a follower. She's a great photographer, she loves Pyrex and mid-century modern design, and she's got an adorable baby boy. What else could you ask for? Here's the link:


  1. Duncan looks like he had a great Birthday!! I love that little apron, too cute! I already follow Solid Cherry such great thrift finds!!

  2. Hey! I always think of you when I do these giveaways...I had SO MUCH FUN shopping for you!!

  3. Happy Birthday to Duncan! Love your apron, love your profile pic, and I'm now following Madge. Have a nice Sunday!

  4. Thanks for the kind wishes. I'll pass them on to my big five-year-old.
