Saturday, October 23, 2010

Sixties Nostalgia From the Eighties & Autumn Joy

So here were are - another Saturday. I don't know what's happened to all the rummage sales. My mother chalks it up to aging church congregations not having the steam to run them. This is understandable. Today, I'd like to have fun with my son and if possible, buy something old and beautiful at a thrift store. Pyrex would be nice, but I'd settle for a little plate or funky old tea towel. We'll see where our paths take us.

Well, I've survived another busy school week. Hey, here's something my class did that may appeal to old-school crafters. Take beautiful fall leaves and iron them between two sheets of waxed paper. It's kind of funny. This activity was almost overdone when I was a kid. Now it's fallen off the craft radar. I keep having younger teachers at my school walk in and marvel at them. How did you do that? Did it cost you a fortune? Well, it cost next to nothing. The kids wrote leaf poems using adjectives to describe the colour, sound, and texture of the leaves. Simple and pretty, don't you think?

On a different note, back in the eighties, there were a bunch of bands that rode the wave of jangly sixties psychedelia. Paisley shirts made a comeback. I'm not big on the sixties, but I kind of like how the styles were revisited in the eighties. Here are some videos to illustrate the point. Happy hunting this weekend. I'll be jealously looking at your blogs soon. P.S. If you thrift and have no idea how to set up a blog, drop me a line in the comments and I can help you out. It's free and super easy.

The Church, from Australia

Another band from Australia

Here's Doctor and the Medics doing "Spirit in the Sky." I have a hilarious picture of me with the singer down at the old City TV building on Queen Street East. I'm wearing a crazy paisley shirt. I'll see if I can find it.

For fun, here's Prince's Raspberry Beret. Stylistically, the look is a cross between sixties psychedelia, Frederick's of Hollywood, Belgian surrealist Rene Magritte, and Adam and the Ants' pirate theme. It still works. I hope Prince doesn't shut down my blog for showing it.


  1. My favortie line in Raspberry Beret is, "She wore a raspberry beret - the kind you find in a Second Hand Store." It's my anthem!

  2. Erin, in regards to your "PS" I just wanted to say thank you for being so nice and supportive of everyone! It's people like you out in the blogsphere that encouraged/inspired me to start up a blog myself. Thanks for making this feel like a real community. :)

  3. Oh Shara and SixBalloons - what nice comments. I'd much rather be reading blogs that interest me - like Monkeybox and Six Balloons, than spending big bucks on magazines with one article of interest. We're all in it together!
    P.S. I didn't make the thrift store connection with the Prince song. Cool!

  4. I love those crafts like that! How fun!!

  5. I totally forgot about ironing leaves between wax paper! Wow....memories LOL

    Loved the vids!

