Saturday, October 2, 2010

Swellegant Glass Canister

I bought this tasteful little biscuit canister at Value Village today for $2.99. I love the simple design of green strips and gold pine needles. It has an air of sixties Canadiana.


  1. It is very cute. It Would look great with hard christmas candy in it.

  2. It is adorable and very 60's canadiana! I would put some candy in it or some silver ornements!

  3. I do like it and 60's canadiana? Is that something I should know about? Enjoy it!

  4. We both love thrifting AND we are both teachers. Let's be friends! : )

    This canister would be so amazing filled with candy or tiny pine cones, maybe even cinnamon sticks and displayed for the holidays. Love it!


  5. Nice Erin! What are you going to do with it? Store nice things, or perhaps a tealight candle holder? It would look great with some Christmas ornaments like Miss V suggested!

  6. So pretty, makes me think of Christmas too. Do you go to the VV at Woodbine and Danforth? I was there yesterday and it was a ZOO!

  7. We are SO on the same wave length! :) Your canisters are wonderful! I love how you changed them up! Great job!! :)
    modern kitchen canisters
