Saturday, October 30, 2010

Vintage Made in Japan Plates

Thanks to all who endured my recent ranty posts. I'd rather be randy than ranty anyway - LOL. Here are some pretty plates I found today at Goodwill: three Misty Mint coloured divided plates. They cost $1.99 each, but the cashier charged me .99 each. Start the car!

Does anyone remember this groovy Black Label commercial from the late eighties?


  1. Love them! I used to have a set just like them.

  2. Love those plates. I've never seen them before but I like!!

  3. Start the car, LOL! Are they Melmac? If not, they sure look like Melmac, same pastel colours. I'm always on the lookout for nice looking Melmac, I still use my childhood Melmac.

  4. Bonjour De tout, de rien. I left a comment on your bloggy, but I'll share here for anyone else interested in the plates: They appear to be "china" rather than Melmac. In other words, if I dinged one on a counter, it would probably shatter. Not that that's going to happen. Alright, I could.
