Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Gobble Goblets

I hit the Value Village near my school, after school today. They only had plain white Pyrex, but I did score big with these vintage Thanksgiving wine glasses. They were .99 each. Sweet!
After the clocks went back an hour this weekend, we've lost even more late-day sun, hence the harsh flash on the first picture...
May your goblet overfloweth with an abundance of thrifted goodies.

I also found a vintage Fisher-Price fire station for Duncan. It was ninety-nine cents, but I couldn't get a decent picture of it. I'll try anther day.
Bye for now,


  1. What cool glasses. Those are perfect for a fall table.

  2. I can't wait to see that Vintage Fisher price.

  3. Yesterday there was a ring-necked male pheasant sitting on the side of the highway. As lovely as he was, he's gone, but you still have your glasses. Lucky you!

  4. I here ya on the lighting thing. My thrift photos are never any good in the winter. Cute glasses, though!
