Monday, December 20, 2010

Finally, Pyrex and the Quaids

If you want to see a nicer picture of my latest Pyrex bowl and read a story about it that rivals the finest literature of Balzac and Tolstoy, you can read about it at The Pyrex Collective.

In my last post about people who got into heaps of trouble or were very annoying in 2010, I forgot to mention Randy and Evi Quaid. I highly recommend that you buy the latest edition of Vanity Fair. First off, just look at who's on the cover!
Go to fullsize image

The cover price is worth it just to have this fine portrait of Johnny Depp. There's also a huge story on Jackie O's life as a book editor. But the real guilty pleasure is the feature on Randy and Evi Quaid. Talk about a car crash of a couple. The interviewer met up with Randy and Evi, who were on the lam, hiding out in Vancouver last month. The Quaids are clearly pathological liars who don't know how to manage the money Randy gets in royalties probably because he's smitten with his control freak wife who spends every last penny on designer clothes and shoes. Somehow, they've concocted this whole crazy story about how there are people in Hollywood who are trying to "whack" them. Truth is, they don't make their mortgage payments on time like us hard working folks have to. Their theory about being targeted makes no sense whatsoever. They seem way too "Life on the D-list" to even warrant a celebrity whack. Do read this piece.


  1. Johnny Depp is so yummy! And thank you Canadians for taking in our refugees from the ongoing violence in Hollywood :)
