Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Frame-a-Rama

A few months ago, I mentioned how badly I wanted the Fisher-Price A Frame of my childhood. Would I ever have it in my possession again? As a child I had a ton of Play Family buildings, Little People, and accessories and none of it was saved. I've been piecing together as much as I can now that my son's at the age where it's loved and used. Well, Tami (who lives outside of Toronto) read my sad sack remarks and told me that she had one in her garage that was gathering dust. Long story short, I met her at Yorkdale Shopping Mall today and I bought it from her. Huzzah! Here it is.
I was so excited to share it on the blog, that I took horrible flash-soaked pictures of it on the sofa. It includes a fireplace and kitchen.
Duncan stuck the mailman in it to test it out. Dig the braided rug.
Here's the side. It features "glass" sliding doors, patio and Alpine-style balcony.
The sliding door actually slides. I'm moving in.
Thanks, Tami! It was weirdly emotional being reunited with an object that I loved so much as a child.

Here's the real thing...
Dramatic sloping roof
And a song to celebrate the occasion. Yee haw!


  1. Oh I am so happy for you to get this. Isn't it wonderful how we can connect like this with others in blogland to make our dreams come true!

  2. Love it. I am also in love with the vintage Little People toys and am actually working on buying some!

  3. Yeah for you. The A-Frame was one of my favorites. My MIL saved most of my husband's and many years back we got up and rescued them. Carried them in suitcases from Albany to Baltimore (strange looks through the Xray machines at the airport). I've sold many since them but we are keeping the Sesame Street, and zoo sets for eternity. As for the Sesame Street that set we're keeping for eternity or until we really need money and then I'm selling that baby because she is COMPLETE!Enjoy.

  4. Yaaay! SO happy for you! I have been searching for a metal dollhouse I use to have. We all know how expensive those are in shops. I still have faith I'll find one. Yours is in such great condition! Lucky girl :)
