Friday, December 3, 2010

Loafing Around & Dragon Fruit

My sister's friend Carol is a thrifter, junker, etc. She's the woman who kindly furnished me with set of Old Orchard bowls recently. Well, it looks like she may be my new BPFF (Best Pyrex Friend Forever) as she's now picking up pieces for me when she's out and about. This is how this Pyrex loaf dish came to me. She bought it for $1.99 at Goodwill.

Here's a funny story. My sister phoned me at work today to tell me that Carol had spotted some vintage Pyrex at a local thrift store. Carol wasn't sure if I had it, so she hid it behind an air popcorn machine. I got a ride home from a teacher friend of mine, picked up Duncan, made dinner and then left Duncan and Ken to go out to get some eggs and cranberries. Of course, I high tailed it to said local thrift store before buying groceries. I made a beeline for the appliance section. At that moment, I felt like I was doing something bad. Was I the thrifty Canadian version of that Wikileaks guy who's now on the lamb from Interpol? OK, I'm not. But it was kind of exciting anyway.

At the appliance shelf I found one hot air popcorn machine. Of course, no Pyrex could be found stealthily stashed behind it. I turned to the crockery section and I discovered a round casserole dish with $6.99 on it. It was white with a tasteful pattern of brown and gold flowers on it. The lid on it was priced separately at $2.99. "What cheek," I thought. I scooped it up anyway and then discovered a smaller sized version of it nearby sans lid. I took it too. I still have to look up the pattern. I'll take some snaps and post on the Pyrex Collective.
And onto something completely different... Has anyone had a good experience with Dragon Fruit? It was a mystery ingredient on the show Chopped and I wanted to try it. They had it at the superstore we went to last weekend, so I thought I'd check it out. There was no price on it, but I figured it would cost around $2.99. When I got to the car, I pulled out the receipt, I scanned down the list and discovered it cost me $6.99!!! I almost went back to the store for a refund I was so galled. Instead, I justified the purchase by telling myself that we rarely eat out in restaurants and that we should just treat it like some rare delicacy and enjoy it.

The fruit turned out to be flavourless and dull. At least now I know. Perhaps I just didn't have the right piece of Dragon Fruit, or maybe I didn't prepare it a certain way that brings out its greatness. Chime in if you know better. Anyway, the freaky yellow picture of junior holding it, pretty much sums up the whole experience. Check your receipt before you leave the store.
Erin :$


  1. I am in love with the loaf pan! So now I need to go back to the Pyrex Collective post and say I want a loaf Goodwill has really gotten so they price Pyrex way too high! The lid separately also...geesh! I love CHOPPED you were brave to try something...sorry it was a bust!

  2. Ooh Spring Blossom. Nice loaf pan. I have the matching fridgies and I love them.

    Did you ever get a description on the pattern hiding behind the air popper?

  3. Ya know, the other day I found a piece of Lefton stashed in the baskets at GW. Of course I bought it. Now I'm wondering who stashed it. You didn't visit Wisconsin did you?

  4. Dragon fruit is tasteless but it is full of good things..vitamins, antioxidants etc. It is pretty set up in a fruit plate with other items. If you can find the red version, they are a bit sweeter. Best deal for dragonfruit is Chinatown, either Broadview or Spadina.
