Thursday, January 6, 2011

Gerry Rafferty - RIP

I just read in the paper that Gerry Rafferty died from symptoms related to alcoholism. That's a shame. He's famous for two songs - "Baker Street" and "Stuck in the Middle With You," the latter song made famous in the ear scene from Reservoir Dogs.

I'll stick to "Baker Street." This song is hated by many for the non-stop sax solo. Of course, I like it for nostalgic reasons. It's another song that I remember hearing on the MUZAK at K-Mart and places like that when I was a kid. My husband's from London and when we were there together, he took me down the real Baker Street - made famous by Sherlock Holmes. Ken used to work at British Telecom which wasn't too far from there. So many memories conjured up in one song.

1 comment:

  1. I love your blog...I've never read one before...and I don't mean yours...I mean anybody's blog. I especially liked the video of Baker Street. My husband and I love this song. Thanks for the trip down "memory Lane", enjoyed every second of it. Susie, Kinston, North Carolina
