Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Thank You For The Love

Thank you for all the sweet greetings regarding my recent 40th. I was touched until I read Bounty Huntress' comments at which point I almost fell off my chair. LOL. I'm in very good company in the 40+ group.

Anyway, being young and toned isn't always ALL THAT (I've been waiting for the right time to re-air this clip).

In the spirit of 40-something jazzercized firmness, I offer you a young, spandex-clad John Travolta working the leg warmers as a token of friendship.
Love Erin


  1. Ha! Well, I hope you took my advice! I just added Staying Alive to my Netflix Queue...I didn't realize Sylvester Stallone co-wrote that?!?!

  2. LOL with the blonde and cat video! Too funny.

    Holy muscles, John Travolta! Now he's just another flabby middle-aged dude.

    My girlfriend and I reached the nifty-fifty milestone this year and we went away for a girlie week-end to celebrate. We kept saying: "We're fifty and still kicking!" And then we would actually kick, based on an older SNL skit. Good fun.
