Sunday, March 6, 2011

Crisp or Crumble?

I'm going to make apple crisp with Duncan today and I'm going to try to bake it in my Friendship Pyrex dish.

Do you call it apple crisp or apple crumble? I've heard it called both. I may have to ask my mother to settle this one. I think whatever you grew up calling it is best. I just can't remember what we called it growing up. I'll post some pictures later.


P.S. Here's another piece of eighties gold. ABC actually have this lyric in "That Was Then But This is Now": "Can't complain, mustn't grumble, help yourself to another piece of apple crumble." I'm not making it up. See for yourself at 1:11-1:20. I guess I mustn't grumble.


  1. I wish I knew the answer! I ask myself the same question :) Even hubby will say, "are you going to use those apples to make a crisp or crumble or whatever?"

    I think its the same as the turkey stuffing/dressing debate :)

    And I'll be using my new Friendship bowl for mixing pancake batter this morning.
