Monday, June 27, 2011

Storage Wars

A friend of mine told me about Storage Wars. In case you haven't seen it, here's the scoop: A bunch of misfits bid on storage containers around L.A. They take a look inside the container for five minutes, but they can't go in or touch anything. The highest bidder gets the contents of the container. Sometimes the container is filled with valuable treasures, other times they end up with a bag full of bedbuggy pillows.

I like it more than my husband because the characters seem to be right out of an Elmore Leonard book - especially the aging hipster collector Barry. He's got a zillion cool '50s shirts. Go to fullsize image

The downside of the show is that the A&E show producers feel obligated to weave in a contrived narrative each episode. I can't believe the station that once showed arts and entertainment now shows Gene Simmons Family Jewels marathons every other day. The plus side is that you do get a close up look at some cool vintage gear. I'd never want to live in L.A., but you can see that there's a thriving thrift/antique scene. There is a store for every oddball obsession out there.

Any thoughts?

Hey, two more days of teaching and I'm off for two months. I hope to get my thrifty self back in action.


  1. I've watched this show but it seems too contrived for me most of the time. Still it can be a fun way to spend half an hour!

  2. We like to tune in to Storage Wars - quite a cast of characters!!!

  3. I watch it from time to time. It's a good way to fill some time. I like Barry a lot. He's kooky and seems to have a good heart. Though I'm not sure that he ever makes any money. :) Another station has one of these shows now too but I can't remember which one. Tru-TV maybe?

  4. They are like characters out of a book!

    It is very scripted.

    I don't know whether I love it or hate it! It's like a train wreck - you start watching and it's hard to stop!

  5. Helloooo! I stopped by this morning and visited a blog over there on the side that had a post about 3 tools for vintage sellers. It was a great article, but I forgot to book mark it. Now I cannot find it. I think I have visited almost every blog over there. That's fun, but I need the info! Anybody got a clue?
