Friday, August 19, 2011

South Dakota

The pickings continue to be ever-so-slim. I found this South Dakota drinks tray at Value Village today for $1.99. I've got a few other states, so it must be another collection. I hope to find something special this week.


  1. It's better than nothing - things have to look up for you soon... Good luck!

  2. Watch out those can be very addictive I've heard! What states do you have?

  3. By the way the thrifting Gods are not too fond of Prince.....

    It brings baaaaadddd thrifting karma, no kidding.

  4. Cool find! I havent had much luck thrifting on this side of the world either lately - hope you find something really special this week, sending you good luck :)

  5. Oh you know I loooooves me a State Tray! They are really fun to collect!

  6. I'm a faithful reader of your blog and I live in. . . South Dakota! Too funny.

  7. Thanks for all the swell comments. Vonlipi, I'm so sad you don't like vintage Prince. I'll have to hook you up with another tune. Anonymous, I hope to make it to the Dakotas one day. I take it the South rules, but I'm sure the North is nice too?
    All the best to everyone,

  8. I have never been to North Dakota! I live in the Black Hills - beautiful pine trees, near Sturgis where the motorcycle rally takes place every year. The autumn colors are beautiful here, too.
