Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Coming Up For Air

It's been an extra busy start to the new school year. Please forgive me for the lack of posts. I hope to do some thrifting over the next few days. I hope to have something fabulous to share on my next post. Stay tuned...


  1. Hi Erin,

    I don't have your email but thought of you. I crafter extrodinaire is coming to TO and Value Village is setting up interviews with thrifting/crafty bloggers to show them how to put together Halloween costumes - I did it last year and it was a hoot. I'm not doing it this year and I thought it could be cool for your students. If you want more deets, email me and I'll connect you with the PR peeps.


  2. PS I'm at!

  3. Hi Erin,
    I did not see an email address for you.... I am a researcher working on Canadian television reality show featuring Steve Santini - escape artist and artifact collector who buys, sells and trades artifacts that have a dark history.
    We are looking for people, collectors anyone in Toronto and surrounding area that might have something in their collection that fits this nature. Examples of things already featured on the show include - executioners swords, jack the ripper knife, torture helmet, Houdini's handcuffs etc.
    Have you come across anyone in your travels that has an authentic piece of this dark nature?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated if you could spread the word!
    Kyla Schmidt
