Saturday, September 3, 2011

Finally - Pyrex!

The Pyrex/vintage thrifting scene has been so dire in Toronto over the past couple of months, that I thought I was going to have to resort to digging into the Yardsale Snoop vaults and reprint posts from more fruitful days. Well, my fortunes have changed...
Here's what I found at the Value Village near my school. A Daisy Cinderella bowl for $3.99...
A gorgeous pink bowl for $5.99 (sorry that the photo is out of focus)...
And another $5.99 bowl in a soft, buttery yellow colour. All bowls were in almost mint condition. Fortune favours the brave, or at least the patient.
I also found this funky little Fire King bowl for $1.99. The clerk had just put it out and I dived down like a WWII bomber.
Keep on truckin',


  1. You go girl! What beautiful finds! I love the Daisy bowl and have been looking for one for a while now....

    Don't despair Pyrex is like the tides ebbing...

  2. Haha, way to go with the swooping in!

  3. I know what you mean...I had maybe 2 or 3 good weeks of thrifting all summer in Toronto. The rest of the time was a bust :( But the pieces you found are all lovely. Is the buttery yellow one a 443? It's probably part of the Town & Country set.

  4. Yah for finding pyrex! Love the daisy and the pink! :)

  5. Woot Woot! You have hit the Pyrex score again. Love the daisy bowl!!

  6. I am esp loving the daisy bowl and its colors!

  7. The heavens have parted, the sunbeams come through, there is Pyrex and it is Good.

  8. So many of you gals find these awesome Pyrex bowls....I have ONE! Love them.
